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Downloads & Belief Systems
How belief systems have ended up creating division rather than uniting people, and how true downloads transcend belief systems.
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Singing Bowls for Healing
The story behind the singing bowls I use in hypnosis sessions.
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When the Higher Self shows up…right away!
“I’m not on Earth right now, I’m elsewhere…. It’s an energy of peace, divine peace…. It’s like a taste of love, too….”
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When the Higher Self shows up…right away!
“I’m not on Earth right now, I’m elsewhere…. It’s an energy of peace, divine peace…. It’s like a taste of love, too….”
Downloads & Belief Systems
How belief systems have ended up creating division rather than uniting people, and how true downloads transcend belief systems.
Helping a suicide go to the light
In this short segment of a session, we worked with a stuck soul who was not attached to the client, but rather “haunting” her property.
An obstacle for men: externalizing the Divine Feminine
Men have to learn to integrate the Divine Feminine as part of their own consciousness, not something to be desired and acquired outside them.
Jesus and Mary Magdalene speak of their return
Why they waited 2000 years and what they are doing, the Divine Feminine and the patriarchy, emotional intelligence, timing and more.
Singing Bowls for Healing
The story behind the singing bowls I use in hypnosis sessions.
Free Will
Download: It was explained to me that the battle that’s going on is really about free will. It was very clear. The agreement on Earth is to endow humans with free will. (In this discussion, no comparison is made with other living species and their free will. We're...
What is a Seeder?
A seeder’s task is to spread consciousness and higher awareness to far parts of the physical universe.
BQH: Seeing through the Veil of Illusion
The client visits the early development of her soul, then a past life with a difficult death, followed by healing and new understanding.
There’s no such thing as a winning ideology.
About the war in Ukraine, and ideologies, which were meant to train us about diversity, not to justify killing. The present danger is great.
The God you seek right now is the Divine Feminine
God is under your feet this time, not above.
The forces of darkness want to come between people and nature
They don’t want us to get the direct benefits that Mother Nature gives. They want to control all the benefits.
Science is a sacred gift, but who benefits?
A gift from Creator. Are we using it wisely?
Limits to the help that we get from spirit
Spirit (guides, angels, ancestors) can’t help us to the point where it would bypass our need to work on our own awareness.
Message from Jesus and Mary Magdalene
They’re working as a team now. She has stepped out of the shadow where she was kept, into full consciousness for all to see. Rebirthing Christ Consciousness.
The Future Self intervenes
A client’s Future Self uses the frequency of the sun and a whale to enter the client’s reality and wake her up.
Confusion as a weapon
Right now, the forces opposing the shift are using confusion as a weapon.
The thread of attention connects our experiences to our unique sense of self. When that thread gets broken, one can get hopelessly lost. The remedy is Grace.
Hang in there!
A download from the Universe
Humans are not an essential ingredient of this planet
A warning from Gaia that humans need to change their ways and learn to fit into the natural world rather than control it. Or else.
Mother Nature’s timeline
Just look at how plants grow, and you’ll see what I mean.
Angels & pain
Some angels incarnate to take on the role of absorbing pain. That also serves.
Humans, Gaia and responsibility
Messages about what Gaia, Mother Earth, expects from humans.
BQH: Integrating a past life, lots of releases, visits by Archangel Michael and a special friend
A BQH session in April 2022. A past life was cleared, entities released, a weighty block transmuted.
Obstacles are stepping stones
Obstacles in our path are more often stepping stones. Don’t stop climbing.
The Earth’s Tango with the Sun
A vision of climate re-regulation
Integrity of information
The Cosmic Wiki doesn’t have that gap between highest intention and execution that hampers scientific research. However…
The next step in making knowledge accessible
From the printing press, to the public library, to the internet, to the Cosmic Wiki, the Repository of Knowledge
Changing the World
“It is the quiet masses that will transform your world,” said our friends from the Cosmic Wiki.
Can the Cosmic Wiki predict the future?
History repeats itself – to what point?
How to access the Cosmic Wiki
Guidelines for approaching the Cosmic Wiki, and discussion of impediments to clarity.
Difference between Cosmic Wiki and Akashic Records
It’s like the difference between a person’s biography and a history book describing their culture and the times they lived in.
Trends in sex and gender
Answer to a question on sex and gender from a 7th dimensional collective studying trends on Earth
The Cosmic Wiki: Introduction
Introducing the repository of knowledge about Earth and other worlds. A living database in the 7th dimension, it complements the Akashic Records but is quite different.
Releasing Contracts; Learning about Free Will & Power
A fascinating BQH session featuring Ashtar, lots of ETs, a masterful and eloquent Higher Self, Archangel Michael and Jesus.
Large consciousness, small body
A highly-aware being patiently adjusts to a new incarnation in a small child’s body.
Intuition and the Higher Self
A message from Archangel Michael on how to discern whether it’s your higher self talking when you get an intuition, or not.
Visit to the 8th dimension
With a description of 8d bodies, how they interact with each other and with the environment, and the effects of the waters in a ceremonial cave.
A Soul’s Experience on Planet Earth
A light bright soul who fell to Earth and after many lifetimes climbed out of the density and is ready to return home.
Incarnating on Earth to Bring Wisdom
A priestess returns to her home planet and we learn how high-vibrational beings prepare for their missions on Earth.
Imagining the Higher Self: A Parachute
Beautiful metaphor of the Higher Self as a parachute that remains in higher dimensions while we incarnate on Earth. From a QHHT session.
Connecting With Spirit Guides 101
A basic primer about spirit guides and connecting with them.
Ancestral karma
Sometimes, bright souls are born into families in order to clear ancestral karma. Here’s one story.
Reincarnation and DNA question
Reincarnation 101: Answering a question about reincarnation, the physical body, spirit and DNA.
You make the Shift under your own power
A download from Spirit about the shift to the new earth. Don’t put your faith in organizations. You do it yourself.
Spirits talk about channelling
About our relationship with the spirit world, the mechanism of communication, self-doubt and the Veil.
What do people mean by DNA Activation and how many strands of DNA they have?
A science major tries to parse a common new age term and find substance in the woo-woo.
The Afterlife, the Higher Self and the Oversoul
Further discussion about the dimensional levels of self, from incarnated being to monad and oversoul.
About the Nature of Time and Space
Time is different outside of 3d life. Space exists, but there are other ways to travel.
Build dwellings made to gather, not to isolate
A message from an old friend about a better way to live.
Nature longs for humanity to get back on track
A short message from Gaia.
A call to healing (poem)
A poem by my sister, Pamela Holm.
Guided Imagery and Music (GIM)
A music therapy modality which has things in common with Quantum Healing Hypnosis.
The Spirit World, Fragments and Attachments, Karma, Dimensions of Higher Self and Oversoul
More of my Q&A with the 9d Arcturian Council channelled by Daniel Scranton.
About the fifth dimension, descending and ascending, and that other 3d planet
How the fifth dimension we are moving into is different from the fifth dimension we came from.
Getting her Wings Back
A BQH session story in which the client learned that she can just be the Light that she is, and not work so hard. We also did some surrogate healing. Listen to video or read it yourself.
The Consortium
How did human societies fall so far from Divinity?
To help people cope with the confusion taking place as what we believe is true breaks down.
Wakana Taka
A message about staying in the flow and avoiding getting bogged down in side issues.
A tale of sisters
How a client who had recently lost her sister met my late sister, who helped her release her sister so all our hearts could heal.
Institutions Going Through the Shift (Sirians Pt. 5)
How different organizations such as universities and religions may fare as consciousness rises.
The Richness of Earth’s Story (Sirians Pt. 4)
A tale of great courage and great love, of spirit moving through the dimensions to this very hard place, to find the love here.
The Human Lifeform in the Earth Experiment (Sirians Pt. 3)
The value of the human body-mind as a vehicle for an advanced soul to create with.
Human Creative Power and an Alternative Planet (Sirians Pt. 2)
The misalignment of human creative power, and a 3d place where it can take proper root.
Universes, and the Earth Experiment (Sirians Pt. 1)
A big-picture exploration of what a universe is, and what makes humans special.
The nature of trauma
A message about how trauma and pain hide our own divine light from us.
Between lives: life review with a Council
The dispelling of the illusion at death, creating and balancing karma.
Transforming thoughtforms and clearing entities
From a BQH session in which the client recognizes thoughtforms projected by an abusive father, and liberates 7 entities from their own hell.
Light Language: God, the Great Mother, the Great Father and Light on their decision, and healing
A dual message in Light Language and English.
Time Weaver: Why Timelines Coalesced
How responses to the virus pandemic have made the two-Earth option not viable.
Weaver of Time: Only one timeline now in play
A very significant message about what the Shift will entail.
Time Weaver message from the Great Father, the Great Mother, and Light
More about the nature of the highest levels of Divinity, and how they are in touch with us.
The Ascension and the Shift
Distinguishing between what is being called the Ascension, and what is being called the Shift.
The Birth of Creation
The story of the beginning of the beginning, told by the Time Weaver.
Contrasting Deaths Take 2
The client in a previous post adds details and reflects on two past lives she relived during her BQH session.
Contrasting Deaths
Two contrasting past lives and deaths show the continuity of a life lived close to nature, compared with an urban life lived indoors.
Holding higher frequency
A client learned that she came to Earth to help raise the level of consciousness. It was not the first time she had had this kind of job!
Nature is supportive
A short message from Gaia about the support we are getting from the nature around us.
Archangel Michael on the Shift
A June 2019 message about coping with world events, anticipating the shift, cultivating intuition and being in the flow.
What Near Death Experiences Can Teach Us
If you’re not sure that there is life after death, or if you’re afraid of dying, consider this.
Shamanic Journeying Compared with QHHT/BQH
If you practice shamanic journeying, you already know how to enter an altered state of consciousness. Come cross-train with us!
The Dance of the Light
Reflections on reflections in a Yucatan Cenote. The stone steps led down into the earth. We entered silently, senses wide open. Eyes adjusting….
From The General Akashic Record for Gaia
“There will be a re-enactment of the covenant between humans and the Earth, individually and collectively.”
Healing from Sexual Assault
The Higher Self explains that women must have sovereignty over their own sexuality, and describes the harm done by sexual assault. And then it heals. Part of a powerful QHHT session.
Carriers of the Light
In this excerpt from a QHHT session, the client’s Council, a group of high guides who advise us between lives, is speaking. At first they are observing the soul who became known as Jesus. They Council explain that while in the past, individuals who carried that Light were few, today there are many, and awakening to embody the Light is available to all, without regard to religious doctrine.
Singing a song to Gaia
A charming excerpt from a session with a first-timer on Earth who met a spirit who encouraged him to come to Earth and showed him how, and later became an important person in his life.
What happens on Earth stays on Earth – most of the time
Some fine points about karma.
Pleiadian Attunements
Life in an Earth body can be a challenge for someone whose soul did not evolve here. Many channeled sources say that there are many souls on Earth today whose “home” world is in the Pleiades. This client got a Pleiadian tune-up during her session.
Repairing the Fabric of the Universe
Quantum healing of the future! A spiritual medical team mends epigenetic damage which had created a vulnerability at the base of the client’s brainstem. The original trauma was experienced by her father during World War II during a bombing. The actual surgery was performed on the Lightbody. Repair work goes as deep as the quantum field.