Why am I getting so many downloads?
Your downloads are knowings. Downloads short-circuit beliefs. Beliefs are subjective. They come and go, and are usually wrong.
You still have to use your discernment with downloads, because some are not genuine and come from negative influences. But good downloads move you toward the mere fact of knowing what IS, at a level above politics, religion, and other subjective beliefs. They spare you the agony of conflicting beliefs.
Subjective belief was a trial balloon on Planet Earth. An experiment. With each person pursuing their own limited beliefs based on their fears, ambitions, and false need for security, the result has been instability.
All that will disappear.
Beyond the basic need to feed yourself and the fact that you will die one day, there is a reality that is stable and lies beyond belief systems. It just IS. This reality is what you’re being led to, gently, kindly, by the hand. It has always been there, but you’ve not paid attention to it. The downloads are just making you wake up to it.
Yes, it is scary when belief systems still run the world, like when you read that the president of the most militarized country of the world seeks the blessing of the Pope to bomb another country with nuclear weapons – a leader [empowered by a belief system to seek] seeking approval from a false god to kill innocent people. Is this what will wake up humanity from their false systems of belief?
Belief systems are manipulation. It’s the same thing.
Beliefs were supposed to work along with individual human free will. But in practice, governments do not recognize free will, so your belief systems will have to go. They’ve been misused.
Those religions that are used to justify wars will die a slow death. That’s what’s happening on the collective level right now. Belief systems are crumbling, but they’re putting up a fight.
Other planets are watching us. Earth was like a laboratory for human free will, to find out what works and what doesn’t. They are learning from us.
But ETs won’t set foot on this planet yet. The humans inhabiting Earth are too dangerous, with their shifting beliefs. ETs are waiting for our belief systems to taper off before they show themselves. The results of the experiment were not all that positive.
Belief systems have been highjacked by collectives acting out of fear, seeking security and stability by controlling beliefs.
The solution is to empower the individual. Part of the exercise during the shift is for each human consciousness to turn inward and look for knowings from the inside rather than from outside. Look for knowings that are not open to controversy, and at the same time are not imposed by anyone, because they just ARE.
Belief systems have allowed humans in the West, especially, to operate as if nature were just an object, like a pantry cupboard, where you could just help yourself, no matter how empty the pantry was becoming.
That will change.
Belief systems have gone from common understandings that unite, that people can celebrate together, to ways of thinking that divide people, as they become individualized and create insecurity.
They were supposed to unite, and they’ve ended up dividing.
Image: From unknown artist (13th century): Moorish army (right) of Almanzor during the Reconquista Battle of San Esteban de Gormaz, from Cantigas de Alfonso X el Sabio. From Wikimedia Commons. Public domain.