Events: Group Past Life Regression Sessions
Group regressions are a wonderful way to access past life memories, meet your spirit guides, and connect with your higher self. You also get to hang out with interesting people and share conversation with other consciousness explorers.
What we do in a group regression session
After introductions, we focus on our personal intentions for the session. Then everyone relaxes (lying down or seated, your choice) and closes their eyes, while I play singing bowls and lead a guided visualization that typically explores a past life. Afterwards, we take a few minutes to write down our experiences before (optionally) sharing with the group. Usually, we do a second part which may be contacting the Higher Self or meeting a spirit guide, and have a discussion afterwards. The whole thing lasts about 2 1/2 hours.
It can be very helpful to have an intention or a question in mind when you are preparing for the journey into the subconscious that a group regression offers. The clearer your question, the clearer an answer you are likely to get.
Bring a notebook and pen, a yoga mat, pillow and blanket and a water bottle. Some venues have yoga mats available if you don’t have one.
Host a group regression!
Invite your friends over for something completely different!
A living room is a perfect space for a group regression. Some participants will be happier in a chair or on a couch, and others will enjoy lying on the floor.
Feel free to share this info with others or bring a friend. No prior experience is necessary.
Make sure people know to arrive on time, so they don’t disrupt the group. This is important.
Contact me if you’d like to do this.

Group Regression with Singing Bowls, Sat. Dec. 9, 1-3:30 pm in Blockhouse
The last Group Regression on a Thursday evening was very well attended! People loved my big crystal singing bowls, and I really enjoyed playing them for a group. There were wonderful stories shared of past-life journeys and new understandings. So I want to do it again...
Group Regression with Singing Bowls, Thurs. Nov. 16, Blockhouse, NS
Visit a past life or other soul experience, and connect with your Higher Self. Share (always optional) with others in a safe space.
May 31 in Mahone Bay
I’ll be back at the Kitch’Inn in Mahone Bay for another Group Regression session on May 31, 10:30 am.
March 29: Feel Good Friday
Group Regression Session on Friday, March 29, 2019, 10:30 am – 12 noon at the Kitch’Inn in Mahone Bay.
Friday, Nov. 2 Group Regression
We’re doing another group session in our living room Nov.2 from 7-9:30. Everyone welcome; no previous experience necessary. Downstairs toilet is available. See above or at this link for more details.
Group Session Friday, October 19
In spite of the bathroom reno, we’re holding another Group Regression Session on Friday evening, October 19, from 7 to 9:30 pm. Plumbing, carpentry, Thanksgiving and visitors threw me off schedule, but we are wishing to continue our regular regression sessions. You’ll just have to go downstairs to use the bathroom. Read above or at this […]
Group Regressions Resume September 7, 2018
You’re invited back to our living room for another group regression session! Feel free to bring a friend, and do RSVP so we know who’s coming. Email me at email hidden; JavaScript is required. 7 to 9:30 pm. Detailed information is above or at this link:
Next Group Regression Friday, June 1
I’m tentatively planning the next group regression for June 1, 7-9:30 pm. After that, there will be a gap for summer activities before the next session, TBA.
May 18 Group Regression
We’re doing it again on Friday May 18, 7 to 9:30 pm. Please call or email me to let me know you want to come, as space is limited. See the main Events page for details.
Friday, May 4, 2018 Group Regression
The first group regression last week was just lovely, so we’re going to do it again. Friday, May 4, 7 to 9:30 pm. I aim to vary the sessions. This one will include a past life journey plus an “Ask your Higher Self” segment. Think in advance of two questions to ask the wisest part of […]