Message from Jesus and Mary Magdalene
They’re working as a team now. She has stepped out of the shadow where she was kept, into full consciousness for all to see. Rebirthing Christ Consciousness.
Confusion as a weapon
Right now, the forces opposing the shift are using confusion as a weapon.
The thread of attention connects our experiences to our unique sense of self. When that thread gets broken, one can get hopelessly lost. The remedy is Grace.
Hang in there!
A download from the Universe
Humans are not an essential ingredient of this planet
A warning from Gaia that humans need to change their ways and learn to fit into the natural world rather than control it. Or else.
Mother Nature’s timeline
Just look at how plants grow, and you’ll see what I mean.
Angels & pain
Some angels incarnate to take on the role of absorbing pain. That also serves.
Humans, Gaia and responsibility
Messages about what Gaia, Mother Earth, expects from humans.
Obstacles are stepping stones
Obstacles in our path are more often stepping stones. Don’t stop climbing.
The Earth’s Tango with the Sun
A vision of climate re-regulation