Singing Bowls for Healing

Singing Bowls for Healing

The crystal and brass singing bowls I use in my private and group sessions belonged to my sister Pamela, who died in 2019. Pamela Holm with her singing bowls A healer herself, as well as a music therapist, vocalist and channel, she combined all these skills in her...


It was June 2021. Steve was feeling a “download” of insight coming in to answer some questions he had been asking the universe. He’d been curious about “grace”, that upward pull toward the divine that he had been experiencing strongly, reminding him where he came...
Connecting With Spirit Guides 101

Connecting With Spirit Guides 101

Forty years ago, I was taught a method of asking questions to, and getting answers from, my spirit guides. In those days, there weren’t nearly as many people and organizations teaching spiritual development as there are now. So I’m grateful to my mother...
Ancestral karma

Ancestral karma

Although I’ve been reading books on reincarnation and karma since the late ’70s, I’ve only started to learn about ancestral karma in the last few years. I’ve come to think of karma as a fluid spiritual substance that pools in places. It’s...
Reincarnation and DNA question

Reincarnation and DNA question

Q Someone asked: How does DNA, the physical body, and spirit reincarnate? Answer: The physical body does not reincarnate. “Incarnate” means to enter the body. At the end of life it decomposes, i.e. returns to the earth. The spirit continues its existence...